3. Research, Innovation and Extension

3.3.5 Workshops / seminars conducted by DDE on ODL practices
Sr. No Name of the Event Link
1 Short Term Course on Usage of LPU Distance Education LMS Features available on LPU e-Connect and LPU Touch Mobile App View Report
2 Workshop on Promotion of Open Education Resources (OER) and MOOCs amongst DE Learners View Report
3 Workshop on Effective Communication Skills View Report
4 Workshop on Using Excel to Excel  View Report
5 Seminar on Roles and Responsibilities of Faculty for enhancing learner engagement View Report
6 Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights View Report
7 Seminar on Conducting effective Learner Induction and Orientation Program View Report
8 Seminar on Impactful Communication Skills  View Report
9 Workshop on Assessment and Evaluation of DE learners View Report
10 Workshop on Developing Quick Quiz for DE Learners on Mobile App View Report
11 Seminar on Use of Google Apps View Report
12 Workshop on Flipped Classroom: An Innovative Technology View Report
13 Workshop on Making SLM more engaging for DE Students View Report